HAVE I lost the plot? If so, I am not alone as certain other residents in my area of Pimhole are in agreement.

The good news is that, with sheer determination we are now winning the fight to curtail the dog fouling problem in our back street -- no thanks to the council.

However, we still have a major problem with fly-tipping, by the regular offenders who blatantly flout the law.

Why should we have to endure this behaviour? When will the council take action against this illegal practice?

The Environmental Health Department have not acknowledged my two letters, outlining proposals with which to deal with the matters, simply and effectively. Stop it at source, I say. It is no use sending three council workers, plus a vehicle to clean up the aftermath. That isn't a solution.

The Pimhole area has been allocated a considerable amount of funds to rejuvenate some of the dilapidated unsightly spots. This is long overdue but gratefully accepted.

I don't think it is too much to ask for these standards to be maintained.