A SCHOOL cook has been hailed as a council's best employee - thanks to Bob the Builder!

Janet Martindale encourages youngsters at Cedars Infant School, Hawthorne Street, Blackburn, to eat healthy school dinners with theme days.

And her imaginative work - featuring everything from Africa to the popular CBBC character - has earned her the Blackburn with Darwen Council accolade.

The family regeneration team, part of social services, also won the Team of the Year prize.

The two winners were chosen from 64 nominations submitted by colleagues, managers, the public and councillors. They were presented with their awards at an "Oscars-style" ceremony at King George's Hall.

Janet, 60, of Oakwood Avenue, Blackburn, has only missed one day's work in 30 years and was put forward by headteacher Liz Beaumont.

Janet said: "I was stunned to find out and I don't think it has sunk in yet but I'm happy - it's quite an honour.

"It is an individual award and I do work hard but to me it is a team effort and I have a great staff behind me."

Coun Kate Hollern, leader of the council, said: "This was the second customer service awards ceremony and its aim is to reward staff and teams for their outstanding contribution to their communities.

"We received nominations of staff going the extra mile for vulnerable people in society, school pupils, leisure users, benefits applicants, shoppers or tourists, or fellow staff."

Mayor of Blackburn with Darwen, Coun David Foster, presented the winning family regeneration team - Stephen Crook, Lisa Sowdon, and Sandra Jackson - with their reward.