A GO-GETTING goalkeeper has helped a children's charity while keeping the half-term blues at bay.

Andy Fairman, 24, owner of Just 4 Keepers Lancashire Limited, donated £10 for every child who attended each of his two-day coaching schools, to Derian House Children's Hospice, Chorley.

The former Blackpool and Blackburn Rovers youth team goalkeeper held the sessions for six to 17-year-olds at Hutton Village Hall, Moor Lane, Hutton and Portland Street Park, Southport, last week and raised £280.

He said: "Because I teach and coach a lot of children it seemed only natural to donate to a children's charity and I wanted to keep the money local."

During the two-day sessions Andy taught goalkeeping skills with plenty of fun and games like 'goalie wars' which pits two keepers against each other to test their skills.

The former Hutton Grammar pupil has coached for various schools and organisations and has trained at all levels from those playing for fun to professionals including Ross Derbyshire, Preston North End's youth team goalkeeper.

Andy, an accountant, said: "We had a great time although I'm sure their parents aren't pleased when I send them home covered in mud!"