THE political power and social clout Jeff Lewis complains about (Letters, October 29) is in full swing, led by those leading and representing the very party formed to eliminate bias.

With additions to generous salaries, ever-increasing allowances, misuse of expenses, extra homes, cars and VIP privileges, with some Labour stalwarts entering the House of Lords, the present Government is hypocritically joining those it once denounced.

Where is this "democracy" Jeff Lewis claims to live in ?

We have a Prime Minister who makes important decisions with no submission to Cabinet, or to democratic debate in Parliament; a Prime Minister who sends under-equipped soldiers into battle without prior reference to the people he was elected to represent; and who, without mandate from the people, signs away British sovereignty in Europe. Though not a BNP supporter myself, I do feel that the constant surrender of British rights, and the blatant discrimination against this countrys natives and its historic culture, is the reason for the flow in the BNPs direction.


Bennett Road, Cheetham.