A TELEVISION programme following the daily life of a terrorist suspect's family, and made in partnership with a Preston charity, is to be screened next week.

The Media Education Network, run by Bilal Patel, of Frenchwood Avenue, Preston, worked behind the scenes in the production of The Terror Suspect's Dad, to be shown on BBC2 at 10pm on Wednesday. The 30-minute programme examines the impact of the Terrorism Act 2000 on the family of Babar Ahmad who is currently being held at Woodhill High Security Prison, Milton Keynes, wanted on terrorism charges in America.

It shows the day-to-day experiences of his father, a retired civil servant, who is campaigning for his release.

Mr Ahmad is the first British citizen to face extradition under the Extradition Act of 2003.

His family and friends want Mr Ahmad to be tried in the UK because they don't believe he will get a fair trial in the USA.

Mr Patel said: "We've had constant coverage and scare stories in the media about terror plots and Muslims, but they've all turned out to be without foundation.

"In the meantime, it is ordinary families who suffer. The 'war on terror' has also led to Islamophobia and attacks against the community and has left it marginalised and distraught."

Mr Patel said it took a lot of convincing to get the Ahmad family to agree to the programme.

"In the beginning there was a lot of scepticism because they thought they would be mis-represented.

"But I was there with the family for about 70 hours of 90 hours of footage that was filmed.

"A lot of people will identify with the family in the documentary."

Mr Ahmad faces an extradition hearing in March.