I AM writing to you with regard to the article Cat Help 'Hell' For Neighbours and as someone who has experienced similar distress, but not to the same extent, to thank you for highlighting the most unsatisfactory condition Mr Norton and his family have to suffer.

I am in full accord with all that he says in your excellent article and George Norton has mine and I'm sure the majority of the readers' full backing in his campaign to have the cats removed.

At night time cats wander all over the place doing their 'business' on any waste ground or garden and create one hell of a disgusting stink.

Mr Norton should in no way have to put up with this offence. Who ever heard of 100 cats living in the midst of a residential area, it most certainly is the last place for them, they should be in the care of the RSPCA animal sanctuary in Ribbleton Lane.

How would Councillor B Wilson react if she lived next door to this menace?

Mrs Brewer must be ignorant to be unaware of the upset she is causing, never mind the environmental health staff's take on the grievance.

What is urgently required is for common sense.

One line of action would be for George to contact his local councillor, if he hasn't already done so, and get him/her involved in what is decidedly a just cause.

What he will have to do is to continue his protest until the council realise that in the name of public health and good relations they have no alternative but to issue an order banning the keeping of a cat colony in a domestic surround, good luck to Mr Norton and neighbours.

Harry Benson Hodgson, Birkdale Drive, Ashton