A FORMER Mayoress of Bury has died at the age of 89.

Mrs Marjorie Little died on Monday. She was the wife of former Tory councillor, Albert Little, who was Bury's First Citizen in 1983-84.

The mother-of-three, who lived with her husband in Summerseat, was originally from Carlton, near Blackpool, and moved to Bury after her marriage in 1940.

As the wife of Mr Little, she was very involved with community work. In 1971-72 she was the "Lady Chairman" of Ramsbottom when her husband was elected as chairman of the former Ramsbottom Urban District Council and then later mayoress of Bury.

An English teacher, Mrs Little taught for a short time at the former Peel Brow County Secondary School before teaching in Middleton until she retired.

A keen follower of the arts, Mrs Little was involved in the amateur dramatics group, The Summerseat Players, of which she held the presidency. Two of her five grandchildren, Ralf and Ross Little, have inherited her love of acting, and both have television careers.

Her funeral will take place next Thursday afternoon, with a service at St Paul's Church, Ramsbottom, followed by a gathering for family and friends at The Waterside Inn in Summerseat to celebrate her life.