A NEW networking and business development group will be launched in Bury next week with one aim - helping businesses grow and succeed.

The new group will be part of BNI (Business

Network International), an international organisation with more than 3,500 groups operating in over

20 countries.

BNI is the largest and most successful organisation of its type in the world.

Local BNI directors Chris and Duncan Barbour will be holding a special information meeting on Wednesday. Businesses interested in finding out more on how BNI can help them achieve their growth potential can attend.

The meeting is at the Bolholt Country Park Hotel, Walshaw Road, Bury, from 6.45am to 8.30am. A full breakfast will be provided. Entry is £7.

BNI provides a

structured approach to building a word-of-mouth based business using

techniques tried and tested by members over the last 20 years. Research in the North West shows that a seat in a BNI group is worth an average of £26,000 a year in business.

To reserve your place, phone BNI Northwest on 0800 093 5998, may@bninorthwest.com or Chris Barbour on 01204 593443, cmb.bolton@ntlworld.com