I AM writing concerning the recent coverage given to the prosecution of Mr Cabuderra of the Italia Mia restaurant in Radcliffe for "fly-tipping", and the comments made by Councillor Mike Connolly.

Clearly, in the eyes of the law, Mr Cabuderra is guilty. However, his boxes were always stacked outside his door awaiting collection. Some young people, after a night out, would find it highly amusing to kick these about!

On numerous occasions Mr Cabuderra has found in his bins in excess of ten black bags belonging to other people. Obviously this creates a litter problem for him.

Mr Cabuderra has always been a responsible trader.

The three-piece-suites, fridges, washing-machines, carpets and broken furniture dumped in the past on the parking area behind Milltown Street and Bank Street certainly did not come from the Italia Mia. They were dumped during the night by people who could not be identified.

Bury MBC have made tremendous efforts to resolve the problem, and with great success. We are grateful for that but sorry that the impression given by Coun Connolly is that Mr Cabuderra is the main offender - he certainly is not.

Interestingly, I have noticed, after five years living in the area, that this is the first time that no Christmas trees have been dumped. Clearly people are trying to keep the mess down.


Bank Street,
