I WRITE in response to an article (LET, May 19) entitled "Children's Home Bid Revived."

I am disgusted by the attitude of the residents. Have they never heard the phrase 'it takes a community raise a child'?

They must have little or no faith in their ability to raise children if they assume that these boys are going to suddenly turn their offspring into career criminals and drug addicts.

They don't seem to have entertained the notion that in fact it may work in reverse. These boys may benefit from exposure to a more 'normal' home environment and their own children may start to appreciate what they have taken for granted.

I feel sure if they actually got to know some of these lads they would all learn that everyone is equal and worth taking time out for.

Who knows, their parents may even look at their own children in a new and more appreciative light too. The NIMBY attitude that prevails these days is playing a large part in the degeneration of our communities.

I welcomed one such boy into my family's life a few years ago and he has gone from strength to strength. He now has a job, home and family and has developed into a responsible, caring father with ambition.

If we all continue to turn our backs on these kids we are responsible for perpetuating the poor parenting skills and lack of support that caused the problem in the first place.

So I say "teach them, don't turn them away." After all, it could have been one of our children, then we might think differently.

T MASON, James Street, Great Harwood.