A LOCAL woman has swapped her police warrant card for a bath in the back of a van...

And the only criminals that former police officer Angela Balderstone, of Silverdale, will be having a brush with are mucky pups.

For Angela has launched herself into a career as a mobile dog groomer - taking on the North Lancashire franchise of Blackpool-based chain Bugsies Dog Cleaners.

Her new business has been up and running for a month and is already attracting huge interest and a growing client portfolio.

Angela says the specialised art needs a gentle hand, particularly with vulnerable rescue dogs that quiver at strangers and can't cope with confined spaces.

But her own dog Daley is a great fan of his master's work as he has regular checkups and grooming.

Her mobile van houses expert equipment equipment including a dog dryer imported especially from Australia for the comfort of the area's pampered pets.

Angela provides services from shampooing and clipping to ear and eye care. To find out more, call her on 0800-169-2288 or 07789-277857.