WHY do people like Pat Jones (LET, May 18) persist in giving the BNP credibility it does not deserve and has not earned?

She writes that it still represents 10,000 people in this town. Nonsense! The six surviving BNP councillors got a total 4,291 votes the last time they stood in Burnley Council elections.

It is true they did get 9,800 votes in 2002 when Burnley was still recovering from the riots, before solutions to key problems like our housing were presented, and when other right wing parties disenfranchised their own voters by not standing a full slate.

In this atmosphere, the BNP benefited from a protest vote.

Yet people at that stage had not seen the BNP in action.

Since then voters have and thousands have turned away from them.

Also, four BNP councillors have abandoned their posts -- two just giving up.

In all four of these wards, BNP candidates have stood since and been roundly beaten.

Meanwhile, the BNP councillors have refused to outline detailed policies until they win power, have never submitted budget proposals and have been largely silent in council.

What on earth would possess the three main parties to invite such a party, who have not even performed as an opposition, into positions of power?

Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives, who represent the vast majority of people in this town, have made clear their attitude of non co-operation to the BNP before the last two elections.

How could they possibly betray their voters now by giving the BNP key posts?

The real tragedy of the BNP voters is that they have indeed been disenfranchised by the failure of the BNP to speak up and represent them.

This party had not been denied human rights, as Pat Jones suggests.

It just lacks the ability or will to use them and speak up, expecting the major parties whom they despise to help them out.

It has got exactly what it deserved. Exactly what it has given, absolutely nothing.

JASON HUNTER, Burnley (address supplied).