FLIGHTS from Blackpool to Bulgaria look set to be grounded less than a fortnight after they took off - and 'ruthless' Blackpool Airport chiefs have been blamed.

Book2Go travel launched flights to the Black Sea resorts after extensive market research earlier this year - but now say they will never run flights from the airport again.

Flights began on May 19 but, after learning through the press that the company they are working with, Balkan Holidays, would be running its own flights to Bulgaria next year, the locally-based firm says it has been forced to scrap the service and refund customers who booked to fly out later this year.

Book2Go director, Simon Leigh, said: "We are just disappointed by the ethics of both the airport and Balkan and simply cannot agree with their view that Blackpool's market is large enough to cater for two flights to the same destination which our research claims is simply not the case."

Operations director, Vito Cinardi, added: "We can't risk making a huge loss continuing this service with no second year to recoup. It is not a question of fearing competition. It's a question of practicality and, ultimately, the commercial interests of Book2Go must take precedence."

Managing director, Robert Hulme, added: "We apologise to all our customers who have booked this service. We will be refunding and offering alternative destinations to all our customers who, I have to say, have been incredibly supportive and understanding in light of the airport's appalling behaviour. This is typical of big business."

The company says it does not fear competition but says it will not be able to recoup its losses without a second year of operations. Next Thursday's flight will be the final one for Book2Go's Bulgarian service.

Mr Leigh added: "We will not use Blackpool Airport again."

Gareth Kennedy, business development manager at Blackpool Airport, said he had not been made aware of Book2Go's decision to scrap its flights. He added: "If Balkan Holidays want to fly from Blackpool Airport that is their decision. We aim to provide as service for passengers. If Book2Go do not want to compete that is their decision."