S a member of Darwen Music Projects I would like to thank everybody that was involved in the smooth running of Darwen Live 2005.

I would like to give a special mention to the Festivals and Events team at Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council who not only ensured that the event took place but also worked tirelessly into the early hours of last Monday trying to restore some normality to the town centre in time for Tuesday morning.

The police have been very supportive of the festival and have to be praised for their low key but very effective policing methods over the weekend.

Because of this, many people have left Darwen, to return to their homes all over the country, with glowing reports about the town's prime event and the wonderful atmosphere it generates.

With only 11 minor arrests being made over the two days, this compares remarkably well to the other 51 weekends in the year.

We must also praise the local musicians that perform for little or no financial reward.

These artists fill the majority of the programme and their support and enthusiasm is essential -- enabling us to provide such a varied and eclectic mix of musical styles and flavours.

Others that deserve a mention for their contributions include: Pepperpot Hill, Noise Annoize, LET, Sally Stone, Darwen Markets, Dave Almond and the St John Ambulance.

Darwen Live 2005 is a shining example of how communities can come together to create something special as well as putting the town on the map once a year.

GARY WARD (on behalf of Darwen Music Projects), Elswick Street, Darwen.