A SECOND World War veteran has been presented with his service medals - 64 years after he earned them.

Bernard Houlahan, 86, received the medals alongside his wife of 51 years, Doris, from Hyndburn and Haslingden MP Greg Pope.

Mr Houlahan's family had contacted Mr Pope to check if the Burma campaign veteran was entitled to any medals following his service during the war.

Mr Pope took the request to Defence Minister, John Hutton, who was able to confirm that Mr Houlahan should have received the Burma Star, the 1939-1945 Star and the World War 2 service medal. He also received his veterans' badge.

After serving in the Burma campaign, Mr Houlahan did not make it back to England until 1946. He performed duties across India and Egypt before returning by boat to collect his demob suit in London.

But despite his service he never received the medals he was entitled to.

Mr Houlahan, of Thorneyholme Road, Accrington, said: "I'm very grateful to Greg and his staff for their efforts in getting my medals. They will be something nice for the grandchildren."

"They might be 64 years late, but it's better now than never."

Mr Pope said he had been pleased to help the family.

He said: "I am immensely proud of Bernard.

"I am very aware that the freedom we enjoy today is in part due to the sacrifices made by those who served in the Second World War.

"It is difficult to appreciate what these young men went through, especially during the Burma campaign when so many lives were lost.

"This is one of the nicest things I've been able to do for a constituent."

Mr Pope added: "Bernard's father also served in the First World War.

"It is two generations of a family to serve this country and it is important for young people to know what these brave men went through."