A PROMOTER is hoping to double her fundraising efforts with a wild-west themed music extravaganza in Pendle.

Gemma Taylor, who worked on promotions for concerts with bands like Scissor Sisters, The Libertines and Dirty Pretty Things, is hoping to raise thousands of pounds from the event at the Queens Hotel, Burnley Road, Colne.

Two London bands will take to the acoustic stage along with Teaspoon, PaperWives, Sam Hird and Burnley’s 16-year-old Lucy Zirin who wowed the crowds at this year’s Rhythm and Blues festival with her sweet blues and soul melodies.

Gemma, of Linden Road, Colne, is hoping to raise much of the money through sponsorship for a fancy dress competition.

The bands were booked after Gemma, who left the promotions industry in London after six years, used her contacts in the music business.

This is her second Oxjam concert. Her first event in April raised £1,000 and the 23-year-old who attended Leeds College of Music, is hoping the follow up will raise £2,000 for Oxjam, where she is now a volunteer co-ordinator.

Gemma returned to Colne in March last year after living in London for five years.

The former Primet High School pupil, who works with her mother at Scoffs, Colne, said: “The last event was so popular and people kept asking me about the next one so I decided to organise it.

“Everyone should dress up either in a Nashville or Las Vegas theme.

“Inside we will have poker and roulette tables, live bands and lots of glitz and glamour.

“In the pub there is a six foot awning which we are going to turn into the entrance for Gracelands.

“There are some bands from outside the area and some local singers including Lucy Zirins. She will be the main feature on the acoustic stage, she played at the Blues Festival and everyone really got behind her.”

Tickets for the event, on October 19, cost £4 and can be bought from Scoffs shops or online at www.myspace.com/scoffspromotes.

Sponsorship information can be requested via mypsace or by emailing scoffspromotes@gmail.co.uk.