I having lived in Darwen all my life & have come to the conclusion that whatever people do to improve Darwen there are always some people, even when you give them the benefit of the doubt, that will always revert back to form.

That of the ' I will do as I like and stuff you'.

Well, why should I put up with 'chavs' damaging mine and other peoples cars, throwing missiles, leaving half empty bottles of booze and bags of drugs, smashing bottles, shouting and screaming until the early hours of the morning on my street.

Because they are my neighbours and because I speak out and ask them, then tell them 'don't damage my car' I get in return that 'my windows will be put through' This is from a 16-17 year old and his mates!!

The pensioner next door will not go out when they are leaning and sitting on her car because she is frightened and just watches them for fear of reprisals.

These people are above the law, they think they can get away with anything. Well it cannot go on forever and you will get yours, when its due, as my Dad always say's 'what goes around come's around' There are enough good people in Darwen to stop these kids from taking over and the parents of these kids should start to take responsibilty for them and they should be brought to book as well.

Does this all sound very familiar!!!!????