BANK HALL Neigh-bourhood policing team, Burnley, were splattered with paint by 10 youths - but with the officers' consent.

The trip to Hapton's Millennium Paintball Centre was organised by PCSO Fletcher as a reward to the young people who took part in a community clean up day in the town.

Youngsters from the Williams Road and Pheasantford Street areas in Bank Hall helped clear litter and other rubbish to improve the appearance of the streets.

PCSO Fletcher said: "All too often you hear about how bad and disrespectful young people are today but those children are in a minority.

"Most young people are honest and law abiding.

"This clean up day proved how much pride these youngsters have in their area and we felt it was only right that we should reward them for their hard work.

"They are really an example to others."

Keiran Wilkinson, who attended the paint balling, said: "It was well worth picking up rubbish in our area to then be taken on a day out paint balling - it was a great day and we've still got bruises"