A TECH company believes it has a solution to help get fans back into sports stadiums safe from the risk of coronavirus infection.

This has come about thanks to a QR code, developed by Accrington-based Sundown Solutions, which can be worn on a wristband, known as the yellow bracelet, or stored on a smart phone and which provides details of the wearer's care plan, emergency contacts and Covid-19 test results and vaccination status.

The QR code was developed by the Accrington firm in partnership with the NHS and is already proving useful in helping to reduce hospital admissions.

Sundown Solutions CEO Heath Groves said. "Although this was developed for medical professionals, it has cross over applications for the sports and events industry if there's a move to have Covid certification.

"It's a ready-made product that can be implemented quickly and easily.

"A simple piece of technology uses existing systems without the need to build or replace existing IT infrastructure or networks."

Lancashire Telegraph:

Sundown Solutions CEO Heath Groves

According to the company, the QR code can be scanned using a smartphone or tablet and is secure to work in the NHS.

In addition to care information and contact details, Sundown Solution's yellow bracelet could hold ticket information and help increase security at mass events.

The bracelet can also provides reassurance by acting as a visual marker that allows everyone to make informed decisions about who they interact with.

Mr Groves said: "With the system we've developed, venues can have people who've been vaccinated, had a negative test and those who can't have a vaccine or haven't been tested in the same venue, albeit in different areas within the ground.

"We can do this because of our bracelets unique way of pulling information from various platforms and systems, instantly providing real-time data.

"The benefits are wide-ranging.

"It has implications in managing ticketing systems, enhancing security measures for mass events and the welfare of spectators or event go-ers. If anyone fell seriously ill at an event, first responders could access critical contact information that could help save lives."

Sundown Solutions says that it has already written to health secretary Matt Hancock outlining how the technology could be used in managing a systematic return to welcoming people back to live events.

Mr Groves said: "We're in early discussions with sporting governing bodies to outline how our technology helps as they'd like to see Covid certification, which the yellow bracelet could provide.

"However, our system goes that step further and removes the big issue of discrimination, which is the major hurdle whilst also providing piece of mind for event goers."

To find out more, go to: https://www.sundownsolutions.com/.