ONE of the main pet-related issues at New Year is fireworks.

While some pets might be alright with loud bangs and flashes, it can be a real nightmare if your pet is afraid of any unexpected noises like fireworks.

Even though we still have a couple of weeks, it’s probably a bit late to try and desensitise your pet now.

We’d fully recommend starting them on a de-sensitising programme anyway, but have a few contingencies in place if you know your pet is afraid of fireworks.

This can include:

Building your dog or cat a den so they can hide somewhere safe if they want to.

Bringing outdoor animals inside (for example, putting hutches into car-less garages).

If you can’t house your outdoor pet indoors, pop some thick blankets over the top of their hutch and give them extra bedding to keep them warm and safe.

Try to avoid letting your pet out on their own after dark.

Make sure you have enough litter trays indoors for your cat so they don’t have to go outside where the fireworks will be loudest.

Turn the TV on and close the curtains to drown out noise and bright flashes.

Take your dog for a walk early in the evening before fireworks start.

Try plug-in pheromone diffusers or spray to help keep your pet calm.

A few days before, start encouraging your cat to come home before nightfall.
