PARENTS of disabled children in Blackburn and Darwen are receiving more help than ever before - thanks to a raft of new support groups formed with the help of a local project.

Blackburn with Darwen Education Development Trust's parenting fund project has helped nine groups to gain funding of £27,698, with further funding bids of £5,780 awaiting a decision.

The fund was set up by the Department for Education and Skills, now the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), in 2004 to offer extra support to parents.

As a result, four new groups have been formed, and five self- help organisations for families have received funding to develop their existing groups, which are run by volunteers and parents.

In total, 26 voluntary and community sector organisations have benefited from this funding, or support.

The borough's parenting commissioner, Cath Hitchen, said: "Parents often feel they benefit from receiving practical and emotional support from local groups.

"This funding has helped groups to develop their capacity, and is particularly useful for children with disabilities who are not served by big charities."

Among the groups to benefit is What Makes You Tic, offering support and social activities for 10 families of children with Tourettes.

Ms Hitchen added: "Before receiving this funding, these groups were working in isolation, and were often not recognised by other services, providers, professionals and agencies that could support or refer families to them."

For more information about the project, contact Julia Parker on 01254 666480.