LIBRARIES across the county are putting on several events as part of Dementia Action Week .

There will be focus on drop-in information sessions and talks, as well as promoting books to help those living with dementia, their families, friends and carers who support them.

Throughout the week, some libraries will have memory boxes available, to help people to recall events, places or people.

Quiet hours will also be offered in certain libraries to provide a more suitable environment.

During this hour the noise in the libraries will be reduced.

This will include the muting of barcode scanners, no events or activities taking place, and the lighting being dimmed.

Dementia cafes and memory activities will also be offered in some libraries so that those living with dementia and their carers can find out useful information and enjoy some fun activities.

Dementia Action Week will start on Monday, May 20 and finish on Sunday, May 26.

Julie Bell, head of libraries, museums, culture and registrars at Lancashire County Council, said " Unfortunately there are many people living with dementia in Lancashire, so it is important that we do all we can to raise awareness of the condition and to help those people who are living with it.