DARWEN fire chiefs have warned that lives are at risk because poorly parked cars in narrow streets are making it difficult to get to emergencies.

And the arrival of a new wider and longer fire engine to accommodate water rescue equipment is making vehicle manoeuv-ering even more difficult.

Watch manager Tony Spencer wants residents to park thoughtfully.

He said: "People park on both sides of the street and often the parked cars are not in line with one another which makes manoeuvering down the streets very difficult.

"We either find another route when possible or move through the street very slowly, adding to our response time. Sometimes firefighters have to climb out of the fire engine to help the driver reach the bottom of the street."

Darwen fire station became one of two East Lancashire stations to specialise in water rescues and were given this newer, wider vehicle to deal with Swift Water Rescues earlier this month.

Mr Spencer said: "We have leaflets to encourage better parking and we flyer' cars with them.

"When we are responding to emergency calls, including those in the early hours of the morning, it is not always practical to attach leaflets to vehicles.