When ‘Eight Out Of Ten Cats’ newest comedian says he loves doing stand-up, he truly means it from the bottom of his heart. I honestly thought he was never going to leave!

“It’s the credit crunch so I want you to get your money’s worth.” he said, to rolling laughter, which barely stopped all night. Three hours of a top TV comedian is virtually unheard of, but he just couldn’t get enough.

Half way through the encore, where Manford switched to a bit of a question and answer session, he said to a packed Windsor Suite: “It’s a bit like a hostage situation this isn’t it, I’m really Ken Dodding it up!”

But the audience were loving it. He has that mate down the pub act off to a fine art — you can’t help but instantly like him with his observational jokes about his bad driving, childhood antics and dislike for noisy cinema food.

He has been compared to Peter Kay but this man beats him hands down.