LOVERS of things that go bump in the night are in for a treat when psychic medium Joanne Gregory comes to Blackburn's Thwaites Empire Theatre.

Joanne first discovered she had a rare ability as a very young child.

Though she says she tried to deny her gift and blocked it out for many years, she later found that by working with it, and trying to understand it, she could help bring comfort and healing to others when they needed it most.

Her compelling performances and growing standing in the field have led to a succession of celebrity clients from Hollywood, TV and the music industry and a number of television appearances, including appearing as a guest medium on episodes of Living TV’s popular Most Haunted.

Her first book is due for publication this autumn.

Joanne said: "I am really looking forward to visiting the North West.

"I haven’t done many public events in the area and this is my first in Blackburn, so it is exciting for me to meet a new audience and be able to put people in touch with loved ones and demonstrate my belief that people do survive death.

“Spirits want to communicate with their loved ones and I feel fortunate that I can help link the two.

"What may seem unusual or even impossible to some people is very natural to me.

"I am excited to be coming to Lancashire. I think we will have an exciting night.”

* Joanne Gregory is at Thwaites Empire Theatre on Wednesday, April 14. For tickets call 01254 685500.