WOMEN everywhere rejoice, Britain’s answer to Sex And The City meets Desperate Housewives is back.

The BBC’s Mistresses — the part drama, part thriller, that follows the lives of four sexy and sophisticated women and their involvement in an array of illicit and complex relationships, has made a welcome return and this time its even better.

The only problem is that the mistresses’ men, with the possible exception of Hari, are such creeps. This was the case with series one, and series two has brought us a whole new batch of yuck. There’s the weirdo who’s stalking the lovely Siobhan, Jess’s disreputable new necklace-wearing husband and Katie’s smarmy doctor boyfriend that’s maybe a little worse than the last smarmy doctor boyfriend.

An old wives’ tale goes that you should never trust a man with sunken eyes, and this lot all have them! It’s the one thing letting down this show.

I can’t believe the brilliant characters would choose to be with such drips!