IT still doesn’t seem right to have Jools Holland on the telly on a Tuesday night.

But the Beeb has clearly decided that you can’t have too much of a good thing and last night Later returned in its truncated but live version — cause enough for music lovers everywhere to celebrate.

It’s quite amazing how the piano player from Squeeze has risen to become arguably the most influential figure on TV as far as music is concerned. Don’t believe me, then look at the case of Seasick Steve, whom no-one had ever heard of until he appeared on Later.

It’s not just the quality of names that Later attracts — would any other TV programme have got both Metallica and Kings of Leon playing live in the same studio? — but the diversity of artists. which appear.

I’ve certainly discovered several new bands by watching.

In the season of party conferences, it was perhaps fitting that we had an appearance from Mrs Sarkozy, wife of the French Prime Minister. Actually it showed that Carla Bruni is much more than a clothes horse or subject of celebrity magazines.

Throughout it all, there’s dear old Jools, like some Dickensian shopkeeper showing off his fresh produce to anyone who’d care to admire it.

He’s come a long way from the day he caused an outrage by swearing live on air on the Tube!