THERE'S somehow something wrong about a woman out on the pull with the chat-up line "I'm a grandma, you know."

But with more and more girls giving birth in their teens, Britain is witnessing the emergence of a new kind of grandma: sexy, glamorous and 30-something!

By the looks of things, the sight of them enjoying a night out parading their youth is about to become a regular feature about town. But is it a nightmare to see your daughter repeat your 'mistake' and become a teen mum just like you were?

Or can you have it all: a beautiful new baby in the family which you have the youth and energy to enjoy and can hand right back when it's time for a nappy change?

Last night, BBC3 presented Britain's Youngest Grannies, and we met Pauline who became a grandma at 34.

She was a teenage mum herself, then her daughter Leanne, fell pregnant at 15 years old.

The initially sensational-ist tone of this document-ary veered into a dispiriting view of the personal difficulties posed by society's vicious cycle of teen pregnancies.

The programme proved that this cycle will continue for many more years, but is that such a bad thing? I think not.

There's just one problem - where will the new generation of grandchildren get their winter woolies from now that it's highly unlikely their grandmas are going to knit them like ours did!