YOUR two correspondents today, Kenyon Wright and John Millar, seem unaware that the extracts from The Scottish Nation, 1700-2000 to which they refer come from a part of a book of 720 pages in length and more than 330,000 words in total. The brief extracts could therefore give only a flavour of the complexity of the detailed arguments. I hope both your correspondents will read the book itself and then make a judgment on the treatment of the themes which concern them.

Professor Thomas M Devine,

Research Institute of Irish and Scottish

Studies, University of Aberdeen.

September 24.

T M DEVINE'S reference to bona fide travellers in Scotland's former licensing laws reminded me of my summer as a bartender in the Royal George Hotel in Millport in 1960. One could only be a bona fide traveller in Millport once the first boat had arrived. I remember one wet Sunday when the first boat arriving at 11.30 am disgorged two old ladies. Five minutes later the bar was full.

Cameron Shepherd,

4 Troon Drive, Bridge of Weir.

September 22.