WE all know how important it is to recycle because, as a nation, we just cannot go on burying our waste in the ground without physically running out of space.

Local authorities have been taking a very pro-active role in persuading us to change our ways with different coloured bins for recyclable and non-recyclable material.

The government is standing behind them, too, and will impose financial penalties if they do not do enough to minimise the amount of rubbish consigned to traditional landfill sites.

With this backcloth, it does seem rather strange that Blackburn town centre hairdresser Jeff Stone should be told he can no longer take home the trimmings from his shop floor and put them on his garden compost heap.

Instead, Jeff must put the hair in trade waste sacks purchased from the council which other businesses also have to use.

A council spokesman said he could not “simply take it home, no matter what it is”.

Mr Stone says documents sent to him by the council suggest the biodegradeable hair he would have composted will now go to a landfill site.

No wonder he is puzzled – and angry.