There was a lot of hot air and in the end we were none the wiser.

A lot was made about the appearance of Nick Griffin on the BBC’s Question Time.

And there were a fair few people who thought the idea would enlighten those that didn’t know what he stood for.

But it did it really do that? Before the programme most sane people knew he was at some point going to blame ‘those Muslims’ for the ills in our society.

There would some talk about immigration and party membership.

Of course there would be some interruptions and people would try to shout each other down.

But like most things in life these days it is all about audience figures and playing up to the cameras.

I don’t think Griffin was allowed on Question TIme so that it would help those who voted for his party to find out what he was really like.

I think that kind of view is a little patronising to the British voter.

They already know what he stands for. They already know what kind of views he has.

The BBC was simply using this person and his views to gain some interest in the TV programme.

We can argue all day long about this but the fact of the matter is we as an audience love to be presented with these ‘bogey men’ every now and then.

Otherwise we don’t want to tune in and watch anything to do with politics.

It is the same reason they continue to put those ‘ordinary’ folk on Big Brother.

We don’t want normal - we want abnormal so then we can talk about how abnormal they really are.

It is also the same reason that many TV channels and newspapers pull out the nearest extremist nut everytime they want a comment about Islam.

That man Anjem Choudary gets more media coverage than he is worth. Does he ask for it?

I honestly think sometimes he doesn’t but then can’t help himself calling for Shariah law across Britain so he say...’Hey, look lads I made it on page two of the Sun again. One day I might make page three!”

All that talk about ‘freedom of speech’ and letting everyone have a say is a great way in ensuring we can put all the freaks on prime time TV.

The point is that a lot of time we end up giving more attention to people than we should.

All for the sake of a few more viewers and readers.