HALLOWE’EN has really taken off in popularity over the last decade.

Although some might disagree, it’s an excuse for fun rather than any celebration of witchcraft and no doubt some businesses have done their best to exploit it for commercial gain.

It is still nothing like as big as it is in the United States but pumpkin growers still benefit hugely.

But inevitably there are some aggressive teenagers who see the ‘trick or treat’ ritual as an excuse to extort money from the elderly and vulnerable under cover of darkness.

And as a result some pensioners truly dread this time of year because of the intimidating knocks on the door that they know will come.

Now thankfully police are turning serious attention to the threat – because that’s how some old folk perceive it – of Hallowe’en.

‘No trick or treat here’ posters are being offered to people backed by a promise that youngsters who misbehave will be taken off the streets and back to their parents, who should have known what they were up to anyway.

It’s a good move and hopefully one which will make the next few days happier for young and old alike.