COPING with strangulation? Difficult to breathe, isn't it?

Dare to gulp free air and society's garrotte tweaks tighter.

Red tape stranglers lurk in education, leisure, anything to do with kids, and the God business is the worst.

As of Wednesday poor clown Barney Baloney can't blow his bubbles in case kids slip on bubble residue.

As of Thursday, peers with little understanding of bloody battle, calmly tie up our Afghan troops with Human Rights tape.

Beware, bombardier! Cosset the terrorists. Cuddle em! Guns in kid gloves, please.

Tonight, teachers sag into their weekend sanity breaks.

Before targets and tape, the spirit of vocation lifted.

Now only summer hols and stress-related early retirement boost.

The letter of the law; of targets; of child protection; of terrorist protection, smothers, and free spirits gasp their last.

"The letter of the law kills," said Jesus, "the spirit gives life."

God save us from man's religion! Pius-mad men dream up rules for ignorant masses.

No Holy Spirit. No free, loving walk with God and fellow human beings.

Some so-called Christians once demoted faith to a cry - "Jerusalem's ours!" Crusaders forgot God's Spirit wanted disciples not corpses.

Some so-called Muslims run their rigid world on Sharia Law.

Today, Gaza explodes to threaten world peace. Elsewhere the law maims, martyrs or persecutes 200 million Christians.

God designed us to be free spirits guided by his Spirit. The letter of the law is a substitute of a hell.