ANYONE who condemns Israel for "over-reacting" during the attack on Lebanon and "responding disproportionately" does not understand military tactics.

Lebanon has admitted it is powerless to disarm Hezbollah.

The only solution is for Israel to do it.

The first step is to cut off the supply line to stop Hezbollah being reinforced.

That means bombing the airport and the main roads from Syria. This has been called disproportionate.

The next step is to pinpoint the source of the rockets and destroy the bases.

Israel values the lives of its citizen soldiers.

To minimise Israeli casualties, they use modern technology.

When they went from house to house in Jenin to avoid Palestinian civilians being killed, the houses were boobytrapped and Israeli soldiers died.

This mistake will not be repeated so the force used will be hi-tech and powerful.

But its aim is to minimise casualties, and solve the problem finally.

Hezbollah started the trouble. It was ordered by Tehran to distract the world from the nuclear bomb project in Iran.

Furthermore, Hezbollah, Hamas and the Palestinians won't negotiate, because they don't want peace.

Let's make something very clear, Israel didn't start this conflict.

Hezbollah and Hamas did by capturing Israeli soldiers and aiming rockets into Israeli cities and towns, killing and injuring many civilians.

I suggest Coun Karimeh Foster gets the facts right before blaming Israel.

Name and address supplied.