I WAS saddened, though not entirely surprised, that on the Queen's 80th birthday, we had to suffer the sentiments of the token republican as the main letter, in the form of Joe Beardsworth's letter of April 21.

The laughable assertion that "it's time to hold a debate on the abolition of the monarchy" carries the absurd suggestion this is something that has not been debated. I assure Mr Beardsworth it has, throughout history. And each time Mr Beardsworth and his ilk have lost.

Republican sentiment in Britain runs at an all-time low; lower than when George III was rumoured to be insane, lower than when Victoria disappeared from public life after Albert's death. I could go on with many examples.

The reason a republic would not work in this country is that most of us realise the benefits of the monarchy politically, socially and economically. The protection and stability that a non-partisan Head of State, with their only vested interest in the good of the country (not in the courting of the ballot box) offers, is immeasurable.

Furthermore, it is the case that the alternatives are very weak since we see the special role that the monarch plays in the life of the country, and so many countries, could never be replicated by any politician.

STEVEN PARKER, Preston New Road, Blackburn.