I DO think it’s a disgrace about not filling the grit bins in East Lancashire.

Every year we get, as the council keeps saying, “caught out by the bad weather”.

I would like to know why we always get caught out, as it’s not as if they do not listen to the weather forecast.

But it makes me mad when we get a bad spell and the country grinds to a halt.

Then they just grit main roads, motorways and bus routes but leave the side roads for the people who have “grit boxes” to do their streets.

I would like to point out that many boxes have been taken away from some side streets where they should be.

The council says they have been taken away as they have been vandalised, and so on.

But surely, if they want the side roads cleared they should put them back as it has been very bad all over and the elderly and disabled people have been struggling to get out.

I would ask the council to re-think the idea of not filling grit bins and also about putting more grit bins out as well.

That is what we pay our council tax for.

Alex Gordon (via email).