The grit bins could have and should have been replenished prior to the onset of this bad weather.

We are all ratepayers and as such deserve to have the same treatment as main road dwellers.

Had this occurrence happened three years ago, this ruling coalition would have castigated the then ruling party, and rightly so.

It is amazing how quickly this council has become complacent.

A spokesperson for the BwD council stated that “the grit bins will not be filled, but the priority is always to treat the main roads to our towns”.

Ask the town traders if this is a true statement. If people cannot travel into town because of a lack of grit, there is something wrong. These traders must have lost thousands of pounds.

This town has been dying for years due to bad council decisions and it takes a Coalition council three years to put in the final thrust of the sword.

B White, Risedale Grove, Blackburn.