Isn’t it time that Salim Mulla, vice-chair of the Lancashire Council of Mosques, ceased making pronouncements on behalf of “the community” because he is definitely not addressing the views of the majority of the community.

In his most recent statement he was quoted as saying “I think the college staff should be understanding towards the needs of the community” which was in response to the ban on veiled women entering the school.

I know he meant the Muslim community but he is not even expressing the views of all of the Muslim community or at least those Muslims who have expressed a contrary view to me.

I believe that Salim should accept some good advice and stop making statements on almost every subject under the sun.

He is appearing like a “jack of all trades and master of none”.

Approximately two thirds of the community in Blackburn is non-Muslim and a widespread view is that the wearing of the veil is anti-social.

Indeed many people would support a statutory ban in banks, schools, shops and all public places.

Does there have to be a tragedy before common sense prevails and a ban on the niqab and/or the burka is brought about?

Mike Madigan, via email