TO respond to Ken Robinson's letter (LT, November 8), I do not dispute that the Bible gives comfort to those that need it,I am sure the Koran and other religious writings also give comfort, as do many other works of fiction.

I have copies of the Bible in my home which I browse on occasions and can marvel in the words that can inspire man to great heights.

But in the end it is all down to interpretation. The Koran, for example, is supposed to be a book of peace but fanatics find interpretations that lead to atrocities of the highest order, all in the name of religion.

Many parts of the Bible speak of peace but also encourage war, revenge, an eye for an eye etc.

I don't have religion in my life – perhaps I am lucky and don't need it.

But I do try to live my life with religious ideals, peace to all, do to others as you would have them do to you. Do not steal, murder etc, help others where you can.

Ken says we cannot control famine, wars etc with science, but we can have a jolly good try.

It is no good sitting back and waiting for God to solve our problems, because we will be waiting a very long time.

L Yates, Hawkshaw Avenue, Darwen.