I AM writing regarding the article in the LT regarding the youths who have been gathering in Church Street, Blackburn.

The way these people dress has been around for a huge number of years, even when I was younger. There wasn't anything like there is today, with others ganging up on them because of the way they dress.

Can I just ask the people out there just how many goths, moshers and emos have mugged someone or even carried out a burglary?

How many goths, moshers and emos do you see using public transport who play their music loud?

Not like many other young people today who find it so nice for other members of the public to listen to their style of music.

You don't here moshers, goths and emos blasting out their music.

As I am also a public transport user, I have seen a number of Goths, Emos and Moshers using this service and they don't bother anyone, but other youngsters get on the trains and buses and use such horrible language around other people and children as well as playing their music, which I personally find more intimidating as if you ask them not to play their music loud so that everyone can hear it, you get abuse off most youngsters, especially when in groups. But seem someone dressed in dark clothing, dark hair, make-up etc, isn't intimidating to me or my children.

This isn't also the case with just youngsters. I was travelling home one evening (on public transport) when two young girls got on the bus dressed in dark clothing.

When two women in their 50s started to look at them and start talking about them and would look back at the girls. When we have adults like this around are we to wonder why some children are the same?

I myself have passed this group of young people who gather at the top of Church Street a number of times, and not once have I been bothered by them, nor have I felt intimated by them.

Every time I have passed this group of young people I have not heard any bad language from them.

In fact, one of the members of the group I recognised as someone who had stopped a girl from being strangled by another youth who wasn't a goth, emo or mosher.

This you don't see today in many youngsters. So maybe if people got to know these young people and give them the time of day instead of passing them by and presuming they are bad people without getting to know them, and then they will know that these young people are just like us and have a right to dress however they like.

If anyone has a problem with this group of young people all because of the way they like to dress and then have they not stopped to think that in fact not the group of the young people with the problem but these people who have the problem themselves.

Let just say how many LT readers have bought an item of clothing that is black? How many people have black hair or dyed their hair black? At the end of the day these young people have a heart and have more of a heart than others out there.