WOULD one of the anti- windpower protesters please tell me what the alternative is? Site them all at sea?

Surely an extremely expensive alternative, and a more dangerous and difficult one for maintenance. Would they prefer a nuclear power station on the moors?

But of course, in Britain, these are usually on the coast.

Out of sight, out of mind. Unfortunately, radioactivity knows no boundaries.

Leakage or accidents will affect everyone in the UK for years to come. Even when nuclear power stations come to the end of their use it takes years to decommission them.

Would wind farms not be preferable to the horrors that nuclear power can and will unleash?

The damage to the countryside would be negligible in comparison to a nuclear power station and they are certain far more pleasing to the eye.

Remember, wherever a nuclear power station is built, somebody somewhere will have to live close to it. We need to be using a mixture of renewable energy sources as well as improving insulation and reducing our energy consumption but we cannot afford to say no every time a wind farm application turns up near to us.

One thing is certain, this Government will use any excuse to take us down the nuclear road.

B FIELDING, Lisbon Drive, Darwen.