I WONDER if someone could explain to me the thought that has gone into the new metal barriers that have been erected at the entrances to the canal.

I believe that they were erected to keep out motorbikes and quad bikes, although I know from first-hand experience that they are failing to do so, as two lads sped past my daughter and I the other night as we walked our dog along the towpath.

Not only are these barriers not preventing youths from gaining access with their motorbikes, they are actually restricting access to the canal by certain members of the community. Only the other week I tried to go for a walk along the canal with my sister-in-law and her twins.

Unfortunately because of these barriers we could not gain access where we wanted to in Shorrock Lane, it was the same at the Navigation entrance and because the canal is only accessible by narrow steps at Moorgate Street, we had to go quite a distance out of our way to get on to the canal, all because my niece and nephew were in a double buggy.

I also believe that as it is a squeeze to get my son's single buggy through these barriers, it must be even harder to gain access by wheelchair.

The canal offers the people of Blackburn a chance to enjoy a nice leisurely walk away from the noise and pollution of the road, but these barriers are restricting access for those who want to enjoy the relative tranquillity on the canal and allowing it to those who want to spoil it.

ANDREW HENDERSON, Livesey Branch Road, Blackburn.