AFTER reading the article (LT, March 7) regarding the shop selling a Hitler Youth uniform, I feel I must respond.

I am what I consider to be a broad left socialist, but at the same time am also very interested in the Nazi war machine 1939-1945. I think for people to be able to see and, if they want, to buy Second World War uniforms should be a matter for them, it also strikes home the point of the motto Lest We Forget.

At the end of the day, whether people like it or not, what happened in World War Two is of historical importance.

I would much prefer councillors Jones and Britcliffe get involved to remove the bongs and other drug taking paraphernalia being openly sold on market stalls and in shops in the Hyndburn area.

MR S T EAVES, Blossom Ave, Oswaldtwistle.