After reading the report on the meeting which took place on November 21 about the Leisure Centre, Darwen, I do hope that the council bosses now realise what the feeling is in Darwen about these crazy plans to split the facilities over two sites or more.

I do wish Mr Steve Rigby, director of culture, leisure and sport at the council, would get his facts right about people not being consulted, pointing to the fact that more than 4,000 residents had been contacted in surveys.

What people are saying is that there was NO mention at all about splitting the site up.

We also found out that it was in August that the decision was approved to house the sports hall at another site so why was it not mentioned from the beginning?

I agree with Christine Oldfield in what she said "why is it when the council do something, it's only ever what they want or nothing at all."

They've not learnt by their mistakes they made with "Redearth Triangle" etc in Darwen, so I hope "People Power" will win this and other ones as well.

MR A D GORDON, Brighton Terrace, Darwen.