HYNDBURN residents are being urged to boost shopping in Accrington by taking ownership of a new store.

Campaigners from new co-operative One Planet, based at the corner of Blackburn Road and Church Street, want to raise £15,000 by the end of July.

Profits from the collective can then be shared out among the scheme’s backers, environmental charity the Prospects Foundation, or other charitable causes across Hyndburn.

Ethical and fairtrade wares will sit alongside local produce at the Accrington store, which was established after visiting similar schemes in Yorkshire and other parts of Lancashire.

And it is hoped that the store will boost Accrington’s flagging town centre, which has been hit by increasing numbers of empty shops.

One Planet spokesman Mike Stapleford said: “All the shops we’ve seen work really well and it would be great to have something similar in Accrington.

“The co-op principles are based on democracy, one member, one vote, openness and supporting each other, and this is how we want One Planet to operate.”

The shares are priced at £25 each, which co-operative members hope will make them affordable to a wide range of people.

“The final say on how any profits will be shared is down to the directors of the society who will be made up of the members, the individuals buying the shares,” added Mr Stapleford.

Elsewhere in the store, there will be a cafe, offices for training workshops, and information stands on environmental initiatives.

The Prospects Foundation, the group behind the project, has its offices in nearby Cannon Street and has previously conducted a survey asking people what they would like to see in its new base.

People wanting to find out more about the shares issue, or the venture as a whole, can contact Mr Stapleford, at Prospects, on 01254 380675, or by e-mail at mike.stapleford@prospectsfoundation.org.uk.