Home-Start Rossendale is holding a Showcase on Wednesday 16th June to explain what the Home-Start scheme does, how they can link with other agencies in the area and develop ideas to help move the scheme forward. The Showcase will be held at the Kingfisher Business Centre in Rawtenstall on Wednesday, 16th June at 8.30am. Coffee, tea and light refreshments will be available and the event will last approximately one hour. Contact Kate Crane on 01706 214621.

Home Start Rossendale, is an organisation in which volunteers offer regular support, friendship and practical help to families under stress in their own homes, helping to prevent family crisis and breakdown and emphasising the positive side of family life.

The average family spends just 45 minutes a day together according to a poll commissioned by National Family Week last year. Families participating must have al least one child under 5 years.