A MAN was left needing hospital treatment after a gang of thugs launched a vicious attack as he was changing his car wheel in the early hours.

The 20-year-old victim was set upon by the gang in Hurtley Street, Burnley, at around 12.40am on Sunday and was subjected to a terrifying five minute attack.

The gang also smashed the windscreen of the victim's Peugeot 206 using a wheel brace he had been using to repair the car. The thugs then ripped out a Sony CD player.

Today police issued an appeal for witnesses.

Sergeant Vicki Haworth, of Burnley Police, said: "This man was minding his own business and just changing the wheel of his car when one of the youths approached him and started giving him some stick.

"He was then assaulted while other members of the gang smashed the window screen of his car with a wheel brace and stole a CD player "We would urge anybody who witnessed this nasty attack or who saw the gang before or after the incident to get in contact with police."

The man suffered bumps to his head and a black eye and was taken to Burnley General Hospital as a precaution.

Police said there were five or six males and one female, all aged between 18 and 24. The female was wearing light coloured clothing and one of the males was wearing a Burberry cap and a light coloured top.

Anyone with information should contact police on 01282 425001 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.