PRESTON'S Health Promotion Unit has teamed up with the Well Women Centre in a bid to protect women against cervical cancer.

According to Elaine Robin, coordinator of the latest screening programme, women are failing to go for regular check-ups and more than 18,000 women in the district have not been screened within the past five years.

As part of the Women's Nationwide Cancer Control Campaign, a mobile screening unit is visiting Preston this week with a female nurse, doctor and support staff.

Ms Robin said: "It is vitally important in terms of prevention of cervical cancer to screen women early and pick up any potential problems so that treatment can begin."

The health authority guidelines advise women aged 20-34 to be screened every three years and women aged 35-64 every five years.

The mobile unit will be at the following locations in Preston:

February 1, 10-12.30pm: Grange Community Centre, Hazel Grove; 3.30-6pm: Morrisons car park, Riversway, Ashton.

February 2, 10-12.30: Avenham Housing Office, Arundel Place; 3.30-6pm: Morrisons car park, Riversway, Ashton.

February 7, 10-12.30pm: Royal Oak, Market Place, High Street, Garstang.

A bi-lingual worker will be available at some locations and there will also be advice on breast self-examination.

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