NEW Zealand international Chris Harris bamboozled Colne with an eight wicket blast and 44 not out.

But the unseasonal Spring Bank Holiday weekend rain wrecked any chance of a finish at the Horsfield in a game reduced to 38 overs per side.

The Kiwi all-rounder hauled in a terrrific 8-46 as Colne were left reeling on 122 all out as Harris removed Colne's front-line batting.

Ramsbottom, in fact, had victory in their sights with Harris making rapid progress with the willow before the rain arrived just before 6.00 pm, with no further play possible.

Another man among the runs was Lowerhouse pro Shawn Flegler. But, like the rest of the league, he was frustrated by the rain. Flegler smased an unbeaten 144 as Lowerhouse raced to 219-4. Todmorden were unable to start their reply.

Rawtenstall's Zimbabwean professional Guy Whittall slammed an unbeaten 89 against Enfield.

But it was all in vain as rain wrecked any hope of a finish at Dill Hall Lane. Whittle's powerhouse knock was the mainstay of Rawtenstall's encouraging 194-3 from 37 overs.

And he was ably supported at the crease by Pete Wood (30) and Steve Tattersall (31). But a tea-time downpour prevented the Enfield reply.

It was a simliar story at Lanehead where play could not begin until 4.00 pm because of rain. However, when the match finally did get underway, it proved a frustrating session.

Accrington faced just 21 overs before the rain arrived again. South African pro Chad Grainger led the chrage with 27 not out as Accrington finished on 59-1.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.