FOOT weary pedestrians have been promised a short cut to Leigh town centre will be reinstated.

Contractors building a new superstore complex alongside Atherleigh Way have told Leigh Central Cllr Brian Thomas they will lay a new footpath to replace the one being built over.

The track from Clifton Street - not classed as a public right of way - had been used for years by countless workers and shoppers but is now blocked off at the pelican crossing which served it.

Cllr Thomas said:"People wanting to cross Atherleigh Way from Wigan Road have to follow a hastily constructed footpath around the old Council yard wall.

"They can then walk between safety barriers alongside the by-pass to the pelican crossing at Walmesley Road.

"The new supermarket will be across the line of the path but the contractors have assured us they will lay a footpath around the building leading to the Walmesley Road crossing."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.